304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Desktop CD player

Original price was: $380.00.Current price is: $280.00.

The minimalist retro design of the product does not compromise modern functionality:

1. Wooden design with built-in audio system

2. Bluetooth 5.0 accepts two-in-one transmission, lossless sound quality transmission, with a distance of up to 10 meters

3.HiFi sound quality, smooth and durable Ruby stylus

4. Support headset, compatible with 7/10/12 inch Phonograph record and film record

5. RCA output, compatible with more devices

Let go of the tension and busyness in life, relax and enjoy the joy of music, giving you a beautiful mood. She is a CD player and a high-quality Bluetooth audio She is a modern Bluetooth speaker and a time machine that fills you with memories  

If you need more information about this product, please contact us promptly through the following methods

Weight 3.2 lbs
Dimensions 34 × 30 × 12 cm




Playback duration

External power supply

Power input

DC 100-240V

Speaker Power

2.5“ 4 Ohm 5W*2

Player function

black glue/Bluetooth/RCA input/output