304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

dual frequency speaker

Original price was: $379.00.Current price is: $239.00.

Product type:Hifi speaker
Rated power: 35W
Frequency Response:40Hz
Signal-to-noise ratio:90dB
Interface type:RCA
Cabinet material:woodiness
Number of speakers:2PC

5-inch dual frequency speaker, bookshelf, living room, AV, wooden HIFI, fever sound system:

1. Medium frequency is round and full, wide and thick, and low-frequency diving is deep and powerful

2.The working frequency is within 40Hz-23KHz, ensuring its stability

3.Adopting 28mm soft ball top wire film and copper clad aluminum voice coil wire


If you need more information about this product, please contact us promptly through the following methods!

Weight 7 lbs
Dimensions 30.5 × 26 × 20 cm


Product type

Hifi speaker


Black Mask

Cabinet material
